How Long Can A Landlord Leave You Without Air-Conditioning?

According to Title 33-1363, Arizona landlords have up to ten days to fix air conditioning issues dating back to the day that they were notified in writing. CONTACT US VIEW FLOORPLANS How Long Do Landlords Have To Fix Air-Conditioning Issues? Acting within ten days of the reported AC issue can include the landlord calling a…

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What Are Utilities In Apartments?

Let’s take a look at what prospective renters need to know about apartment utilities. CONTACT US VIEW FLOORPLANS What Are Apartment Utilities? It’s simply a fact of apartment living that you will need utilities to have a fully-functioning, livable home. These must-have basic apartment utilities typically include the following: Electricity Natural gas Internet Water Trash…

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How Long Do Apartment Applications Take?

The approval of an application for an apartment typically takes between 1-3 business days. However, there are a few ways you can speed this process up if you are in a pinch. CONTACT US VIEW FLOORPLANS How Long Do Apartment Applications Take To Be Approved? On average, you can expect to have your application either…

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Do Apartment Credit Checks Lower Your Score?

Your next apartment search will likely result in a few credit checks initiated by your landlord. Can these credit checks lower your credit score, though? While they can appear as an inquiry on your credit report, these checks are not as harmful as you may think. CONTACT US VIEW FLOORPLANS Does Applying For An Apartment…

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Where To Live While Building A House

If you choose to build a new home, what will your temporary living options be? Let’s take a look at a few of the most common living arrangements during this time. CONTACT US VIEW FLOORPLANS Rent An Apartment For those families hoping to stay nearby the construction of their home, renting an apartment or condominium…

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How Long Does It Take To Get Renters Insurance?

While renters insurance is not legally mandatory, many landlords will require prospective tenants to have this coverage when signing a lease. Fortunately, buying renters insurance is a quick process. Let’s take a look at how to apply for renters insurance, what it covers, and how you can get coverage quickly. CONTACT US VIEW FLOORPLANS How…

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